Thursday, June 26, 2008

Just doesn't get any better than this....

This is photography heaven. They just don't get any better....any smilier....any easier.....any cuter. I am in love with this little baby. This was our fourth session together, and even though I don't want him to grow up, I can't wait for three months to photograph him again. Every time I pointed my camera at him he just smiled and smiled. JC has this super adorable way that he smiles with his eyebrows. Even when he was naked wrapped up in a flag he was still smiling. Thanks for letting me spend time with you guys again. I had so much fun!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Quiet Moments with our Daughters...

     I have gone back and forth about posting personal stuff here, but this is both personal and one of my favorite pictures I have taken in a long time. Plus, I think my personal and professional lives are so tangled that it is hard to separate them anyway.

     Alyssa & I had the chance to attend Mother/Daughter camp this weekend. It was awesome getting to spend the whole weekend with just her enjoying God's beautiful creation. We were able to do some crazy things - like ziplines, rock walls, ropes course,  paddleboats and archery.....but the best parts was the awesome worship and meditation times. It was incredible!

     This picture was taken of our dear friends Danita & Brianna as they prayed together just before sunset. We have grown really close to them and got to help disciple them a little. Unfortunately, they are moving with the Air Force soon and we will miss them so much. This will probably be our last Mother/Daughter camp together. I'm sure I'll blog more about them later....just wanted to share this photo!

Baby Cravings

Sometimes I shoot little babies and I have a sudden URGE to have another baby. It just stirs up that maternal craving that is deep within me. This is one of those moments. Beautiful little Teegan, who has these huge, round eyes and deep body giggles definitely brings out that feeling in me! I could just take him home for a few days (no nights though - I don't know if the cravings are that deep!)

Monday, June 16, 2008


This week I'm going to show you some of my favorite "unexpected" pictures from a recent session. There were plenty of "fireplace" pictures from this session, but I think I'll show you a few of the candid moments instead. This family is incredible. They have the best behaved children in the world - even though there are four of them under nine years old. They are moving this week from Oklahoma to Colorado to follow a call to ministry, and even though we will miss them dearly, I'm sure their new church is rejoicing! You can see more of the "real" pictures in my portfolio soon. 

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


My beautiful niece after her first dance recital. She was Princess Sleeping Beauty. She was very concerned with her placement on the stage during her dance. I don't think she enjoyed it much, but she sure looked great! She looks so big!


Memphis just celebrated his first birthday. It has been several months since I have seen him and I could not get over how long his hair was! He still has such beautiful eyes, though he didn't slow down much for us to see them. Thanks for sharing him again with me! Hope you enjoy the pictures.

FACEBOOK - Current clients....if you would like a few of the photos from your session emailed to you for your facebook page, please let me know. They will be web-resolution images with my logo on them (great way to show off your babies AND your FAVORITE photographer!) You can also right-click and save the photos I post on this blog. (Just please use them only for social websites and not to reprint).

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