Monday, August 18, 2008

Lots of firsts...

This was a session full of firsts for me!
1. It was my first "cross-country" photo shoot. This family flew me to Denver on Saturday  to shoot their son Tyler's senior pictures. Tyler is the cousin of one of my friends/long-time client. I was so honored they wanted me to travel all that way and really enjoyed meeting this family.

2. My first time to shoot almost entirely in pouring down rain. If we were in OKC I would have offered to reschedule, but that was not an option since we didn't have much time. We shot three-fourths of the pictures with Tyler's mom holding an umbrella over my camera and his dad holding an umbrella over his head. It was pretty comical, actually. We were so soaked. I'm sure that people watching thought we were crazy. It will take some extra editing to get the raindrops off his shirt, but I am pretty surprised they came out this good in the rain!

3. My first time to shoot more than 450 pictures in one session! Poor Tyler. I'm sure he was so tired of me, but he was such a great sport. He kept changing his shirt, smiling/not-smiling, kneeling/squatting - anything I asked of him. Tyler has a great sense of humor, fantastic smile, terrific blue eyes....and very fast texting fingers (indicated by the thousands of text messages he sent/received from friends asking "are you seriously not done YET?")

I learned so much about teenagers this weekend and haven't decided if I should be excited or terrified as we approach those years with my own kids! I really enjoyed the break and loved getting to know this family. Colorado is so beautiful - even through all the rain. Hopefully we'll see you guys again when Tyler comes down to SNU next fall! 

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Baby Emma

Welcome Baby Emma! This session was just so fun. Baby Emma is Abby's new little sister (the little girl on the back of my business card) and is just as beautiful. I am so in love with newborn babies with tons of dark hair. Emma slept so well during most of this session. I think she was about five days old in these pictures. We've been on a baby girl streak lately!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Four Letters - FAST!

Only one word can describe this little cutey - FAST! Okay....maybe two words - FAST and CUTE! I sure had a hard time keeping up with him! Good thing I have a super fast trigger finger.  I hadn't seen him since he was a newborn baby, so it was fun to see how much bigger (and faster) he has gotten! 

I wish you could hear the sound from the first collage of photos. There is just something so special about a little boy's giggles that just melt your heart.

All Smiles

Brody just keeps getting more and more fun every time I photograph him! He wouldn't stop flirting with me - raising his little eyebrows and giggling. He kept staring right at my camera with a big grin (very unusual for six-month olds who are usually more interested in everything EXCEPT me.) I just love my job!

Little Lauren

Sweet little Lauren! Lauren is Baby Allison and Baby Katie's big cousin, and didn't want to miss out on her own new pictures too! She and her parents live in Tulsa, and I am honored that they drive here for our photo sessions. Lauren loves her mama's leg, smarties and most importantly - her cousin Mattox (Allison's brother).  Funny what different kids are bribed with. 
Even though I took many of the session's photos with a sippy cup balancing on my head (didn't know I could do that and shoot at the same time!), I still had a great time.

FACEBOOK - Current clients....if you would like a few of the photos from your session emailed to you for your facebook page, please let me know. They will be web-resolution images with my logo on them (great way to show off your babies AND your FAVORITE photographer!) You can also right-click and save the photos I post on this blog. (Just please use them only for social websites and not to reprint).

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