Sunday, November 23, 2008

Double the energy!

Whew! I had to take a little nap after this one! I don't know how Dawn keeps up with all these boys! Dawn and I have been friends literally since we were born (I am 10 months older....and much, much wiser!). Our moms were roommates in collage and our dads were best friends. Avery and I went to church together since we were kids and graduated from YHS together too. We've all grown up together and have made so many memories! 

So I have a terrible confession....I absolutely can not tell these boys apart when I am shooting them. I always beg Dawn to dress them differently, but luckily for me (so sad for Jack), Jack fell and scratched his neck earlier in the week. So this time I at least knew from the back which one was which, but that didn't help when I was shooting from the front! Those of you who have been my clients know how bossy I am - I kept yelling "smile Jaden" and he would say "I'm Jack".... I think they got really tired of me about 15 minutes after we started. I had to keep asking "Avery...who do you have? Have him put his arm down" etc. It was crazy. Looking at the pictures closeup on my screen, you can see that Jack has a tiny freckle above his lip and different bottom teeth. Next time I'll have to use my zoom lens to zoom in on that freckle to see which one I am shooting.  All three boys are very cute - and very active! 

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Jeremy, Jayme, Justyce & Tori

This family has meant so much to us over the last few years! Jeremy is our small group leader and Jayme kind of holds everything together. They have prayed for our family so many times! My little Natalie just adores Justyce even though he is twice her size (and only a few weeks older). We've had a lot of great Friday nights together!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Dax & Destry

Have you ever seen cuter boys? This little 4-year old just captured by heart! He is so adorable. Little brother Destry was on the run, but we were really sneaky and got some great smiles anyway. I had so many favorites from this session that I really had a hard narrowing them down. I have had so much fun meeting so many new families this fall.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Baby Tyson

Aww! I LOVE little newborns. I love the way they curl up and just breathe. Everything is so simple! Little Tyson was just five days old when we took these pictures. I've enjoyed getting to know his big sister Faith at church the last few years. Tyson is a very wanted and loved little baby. I am excited to watch him grow, but for now it was really nice to take a break from all the toddlers and just hold and cuddle with such a new little life!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Victoria & Joseph

These kids were hilarious. They fought like crazy until mom wasn't looking, then they were best buds - even holding hands when I asked them too.  I LOVE this first picture. It is so true for most siblings! Victoria is so beautiful - mom should really consider modeling her. And Joseph was a hoot. Thanks, guys!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Lauren has so much personality! I love the way she smiles with her whole face. She is so blessed to have awesome parents (her dad Chris was the "squirrel" for the picture with Lauren's cousins in the other post). She was full of smiles this time (with bribes of Smarties and Mattox of course). They are such a genuinely happy family. Thanks for letting me spend time with you guys again.

I love this coat and hat Lauren's grandma bought her. Too cute! You'd never know it was 80+ degrees outside when we took this picture!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I know some of you were anxiously waiting for me to post more JC pictures! He is such a favorite of mine. JC just turned one and I have loved every session with him this past year. He isn't walking yet, so I didn't have to chase him much. He just smiles and giggles everytime I put my camera at him - even without my silly tricks. Sometimes I can't believe I get paid for this. I sure LOVE my job!

My first 2008 capture of a happy Halloween costume! (and what an awesome costume it is!)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Heather and her family

I had so much fun spending time with Heather and her family. Heather has been  my "berry best friend" (as my kids would say) since 7th grade. She is an awesome church-movie-football game-laughing-crying-pray through surgeries-always there-help when you need it most- kind of friend. When Rob & I were dating, Heather came with us on many dates. Then Rob and  Jason were roommates in college and we set them up together. They've been in love ever since and have created quite a beautiful family.  I like to give Heather a hard time because she doesn't take many pictures of her kids and never asks me to (how could you not? the kids are adorable!) I just look at these pictures of her with her children and my heart feels all warm and fuzzy! :) So, even though I had to beg you to let me take them - thank you, Heather!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Tired of seeing this family yet? I'm sure not! I've loved being a part of each of these family's pictures this year, but wasn't sure I was looking forward to shooting them ALL at the SAME TIME again. Since we had a crazy time last fall and have added two more babies to the mix since then I was a little worried.  I shouldn't have been. The weather was awesome and the kids were all in a great mood. Lauren's daddy Chris was HILARIOUS! I couldn't see him since he was behind my camera, but there was a lot of jumping around and funny noises going on back there. The kids kept laughing at an imaginary squirrel in his shirt. I'm telling you, Chris, if you want an extra job, I could really use an assistant!

I had to include these next two shots because they make me smile. Lauren and Mattox are such good friends and such copycats. They kept jumping up and landing on the big boys' backs (you'd never know from the big boys' faces - they are such great kids!) and then just laughing and laughing. I wish you could hear the sounds of their giggles!

FACEBOOK - Current clients....if you would like a few of the photos from your session emailed to you for your facebook page, please let me know. They will be web-resolution images with my logo on them (great way to show off your babies AND your FAVORITE photographer!) You can also right-click and save the photos I post on this blog. (Just please use them only for social websites and not to reprint).

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