Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Heather and her family

I had so much fun spending time with Heather and her family. Heather has been  my "berry best friend" (as my kids would say) since 7th grade. She is an awesome church-movie-football game-laughing-crying-pray through surgeries-always there-help when you need it most- kind of friend. When Rob & I were dating, Heather came with us on many dates. Then Rob and  Jason were roommates in college and we set them up together. They've been in love ever since and have created quite a beautiful family.  I like to give Heather a hard time because she doesn't take many pictures of her kids and never asks me to (how could you not? the kids are adorable!) I just look at these pictures of her with her children and my heart feels all warm and fuzzy! :) So, even though I had to beg you to let me take them - thank you, Heather!

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FACEBOOK - Current clients....if you would like a few of the photos from your session emailed to you for your facebook page, please let me know. They will be web-resolution images with my logo on them (great way to show off your babies AND your FAVORITE photographer!) You can also right-click and save the photos I post on this blog. (Just please use them only for social websites and not to reprint).

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