Thursday, November 5, 2009

Giggling Sisters

I  am so drawn to little girls. I love all the painted toenails and the hairbows.....I love how little girls giggle and laugh and how they generally feel special having their pictures taken. These special sisters drove up from Dallas for pictures and we met up at Coles Gardens, where their parents were married a decade ago. Little Ella couldn't keep a straight face for anything, and for some reason, every time dad said words from Hannah Montana - particularly "RICO", both girls just erupted into giggles. I know some parents prefer pictures of their kids in traditional poses with soft, "nice" smiles, but NOT ME! My house is full of pictures of my kids just the way they really are. These are definitely my favorite kind of sessions!

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FACEBOOK - Current clients....if you would like a few of the photos from your session emailed to you for your facebook page, please let me know. They will be web-resolution images with my logo on them (great way to show off your babies AND your FAVORITE photographer!) You can also right-click and save the photos I post on this blog. (Just please use them only for social websites and not to reprint).

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