I can't believe I have been a mother for 10 years! I have wanted to be a mom my entire life, but nothing could have ever prepared me for the overwhelming love I would feel. She is so much like me, and still so different. She is confident, compassionate, smart and amazing. I love to be with hear her laugh and watch her smile. I am so glad that she shares her life with me. I wish I could slow her down a little, but for now I am just treasuring every moment!
It is so different shooting your own kids! I had this session planned for months - had the outfit picked out, jewelry bought, etc. We waited for the perfect weather and a clear schedule. Of course, just minutes before we were leaving, the outfit didn't fit and the pants were too scratchy...the hat didn't match anything else and the sun was going down fast! I improvised with an entire new outfit and hat (but had no matching shoes - she is barefoot in all the pictures!) and we headed for some really cool weeds I had driven by. Unfortunately, the weeds were also full of stickers. The sun was in her eyes, stickers covered her pants and she was not at all thrilled with me taking pictures of her. She wouldn't say any of the silly things my toddler clients will say and didn't even laugh when I tried to play peek-a-boo with her. I can't imagine why not!
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I very often get this look when I tell Tristan it is picture time. But what can you do, he is a boy. I have much higher hopes for Peyton being my little model, and soon, I will have a new little baby to photograph all the time!
Your kids are growing up so fast! I just love their pictures!
Your daughter is so cute ... And I liked "Gimme a break" look!! Cracks me up! :)
You are such a good story teller Janelle! I love the last picture! So funny.... Brylynn is only 3 and I get these looks from her. Boy are we in trouble! Your children are all gorgeous!
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