Monday, October 20, 2008


I enjoyed catching up with Brylynn and her parents again. Brylynn was one of my very first clients two years ago. She was in her mama's tummy for our first session. She wasn't sure of what to think of me - especially when I tried to balance her pumpkin on my head while I was shooting and it fell off the bridge into the water 20 feet below. Of course, it was floating, so she kept talking about it. We had to distract her for awhile so she would forget about it, but while we were walking back through the bridge on our way out, she took her other pumpkin and pitched it over the side too! I'm sure those 3-foot catfish really enjoyed those two pumpkins!

This picture of Brylynn on dad's cell phone cracks me up and reminds me of my Natalie. She always talks to people with the cell phone on her eye, and then twists her eyes around to "look" at who she is talking to.

I am 0 for 2 on Halloween pictures so far this year. Both babies have screamed like crazy the minute those costumes went on.

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FACEBOOK - Current clients....if you would like a few of the photos from your session emailed to you for your facebook page, please let me know. They will be web-resolution images with my logo on them (great way to show off your babies AND your FAVORITE photographer!) You can also right-click and save the photos I post on this blog. (Just please use them only for social websites and not to reprint).

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